
Wagmi is a popular React Hooks library for Ethereum and compatible blockchain networks, enabling developers to create seamless and responsive decentralized applications (dApps). Viem is an underlying

Setting Up Wagmi and Viem

To start using Wagmi and Viem with Lycan Chain, you'll need to install the necessary packages. You can do this via npm:

npm install wagmi viem

Initializing with Lycan Chain

Once you have the packages installed, you can import Lycan Chain from Viem or Wagmi and configure your application to connect to the Lycan Chain network.

import { createClient, WagmiConfig } from 'wagmi';
import { lycan } from 'viem/chains'; // or import { lycan } from 'wagmi/chains'

const client = createClient({
  autoConnect: true,
  chains: [lycan]

function App() {
  return (
    <WagmiConfig client={client}>
      {/* Your app components */}

export default App;

This code initializes the Wagmi client with Lycan Chain as the selected network, using the RPC URL for Lycan Chain.

Last updated